
Showing posts from March, 2017

SAMR Field Trip Reflection Redesign

I love trying out new tools with my students. I am constantly looking for ways to improve my teaching and engage students with the use of technology.  When using a new tech tool, it is important to consider if the tool is enhancing the learning experience for the students or transforming it. While there are times when only enhancing the learning experience with the implementation of technology is great, I am always on the lookout for ways to transform the learning experience and do things that were not possible before. If you are not already familiar with the  SAMR model  for implementing technology, you can learn more  HERE . A very brief explanation is that SAMR stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition, and it has to do with how technology is integrated into the classroom and the purpose it serves in learning.  Image the creation of Dr. Ruben Puentedura, Ph.D. This week t...

CUE 2017 National Convention - Day 2

KEYNOTE - George Couros  -          George Couros is the author of "The Innovator's Mindset"   His passion for student learning is infectious. He talks a lot about the opportunities that technology allows as opposed to the risks.  Some of my favorite quotes shared during the presentation: "The world only cares about - and pays off on - what you can do with what you know (and it doesn't matter where you learned it.)" Thomas Friedman "Transformational leaders don't start by denying the world around them. Instead, they describe a feature they'd like to create." Seth Godin The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. - Chinese Proverb Social Media is like water. You can either let us drown, or teach us to swim." He shared the three things he thinks every high school student should graduate with: 1. A professional social network 2. A dig...

CUE 2017 National Conference - Day 1

I made it to Palm Springs! I have attended Fall CUE up in Napa, CA the past 2 years, but this is my first trip to the CUE National Conference. I am excited to be traveling with a team from my district to learn more about innovation and technology integration in the classroom. The more I learn, and the more I attend conferences like this, I realize that it is not about the tools, it's about the learning. Every session I attended focused on how the tool can be used to transform education, and the pedagogy behind it - not just the logistics of using the particular tool. KEYNOTE The morning started with the keynote address by Jo Boaler , Stanford Professor, and author of Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students' Potential Through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages, and Innovative Teaching . The line to get into the conference room was long but well worth the wait. (Video credit:  @phillips4kids )         Jo Boaler was inspiring. I wish...

These are a Few of My Favorite (Google Chrome Extension) Things...

The web browser, Google Chrome has a library of add-ons and extensions. If you have not explored these options, you can visit the Chrome Web Store  HERE In this post, I'm going to share some of my favorites!    With Bitmoji, you can create custom avatars in a variety of settings,  and with a variety of sayings or themes.   These images can be sent in text messages or emails,  or saved as a .jpg file to be inserted into other documents or files. Grammarly is a tool that provides spelling and grammar check to anything you are typing on the internet (emails, docs, blog posts, forms, etc...).  I have found it very helpful with catching mistakes and improving my writing. Nimbus Screen Shot is an add-on that is used to take screenshots.  This can be very helpful when creating tutorials for your students.   You can also annotate and draw on the screenshot that you captured.  Images c...


As part of the CUE Innovative Educator Certificate Program, we had an assignment called Iron CUE Lesson. Each class member was given a mystery ingredient and had to design a student-centered lesson utilizing it. Click on my presentation to see how I transformed a typical history 3D model building assignment using Minecraft. Here are some examples from my students View more on YouTube:  Mission Reports on YouTube The students LOVED this experience. Some still chose to build 3D models or draw layout posters, but it was great to give them this option.

Capture 360⁰ Images on Your Smartphone

At the Geo Teachers Institute last July, there was a lot of talk about virtual reality, Google Expeditions, and 360⁰ images (previously referred to as photospheres). These resources are a great way to bring the world i nto the cl assroom. Students can go on virtual field trips to places all over the world.  Google Street View is an app that can be downloaded on smartphones and tablets. Students search for locations, view images that have been uploaded by other Google users, and feel like they are actually there! How cool is that? Students can visit historic sites, monuments, famous landmarks, landforms, and other cities.  To view these 360⁰ images, download Google Street View and search for a location. If an image is available it will pop up on the bottom of the screen. Theses images can be viewed with a 360⁰ viewer such as Google Cardboard or View-Master by Mattel . If you don't have a viewer, simply click on the "compass" ic...