Math Around the Room - Scavenger Hunts
One of my favorite strategies to use in my math class is "Math Around the Room" My students refer to these activities as scavenger hunts. This strategy works best when reviewing a concept in which most students can work independently. I usually have at least one or two scavenger hunts per unit that we are working on. I use this strategy mostly with Math, but the idea can be transferred to any content area. I start by having the students create a recording sheet by folding a piece of plain white paper into eighths. The students number the sections 1-8 on the front and 9-16 on the back. The first time they do this it takes some time and can be a math lesson by itself with lots of good math vocabulary (lines of symmetry, fractions, equal parts etc...). Once the students do this two or three times it is a breeze. Now, when I have a scavenger hunt planned, the students enter the classroom, see the neon pieces of paper around the room, and immediately start preparing their ...